Painting is one of my passions and will remain so for the rest of my life. A day doesn’t pass when I see a sunrise, or a fence row, a stand of sycamores, or a rock strewn creek that beckons me to stop, contemplate and paint.
The grand scale paintings of western mountains always mesmerize me but it is the simple beauty of an intimate Tennessee landscape that truly speaks to me. Its home, and it’s the landscape that I can practically paint from memory.
Painting for me is not about making a statement but more about conveying the mood and memory of light, shadow and color. Capturing the moment in a painting is an endless quest that even after many years of painting still can be a challenge. Some days everything falls into place and some days, well, to quote a favorite movie of mine, “some days you eat the bear and some days the bear eats you.”
A number of these paintings illustrated here are in the possession of clients and collectors. Others are available for purchase. If you are interested in a particular image, would like to discuss the possibility of a commissioned painting, or would like updates as to when new paintings become available please contact me via this website. |